Terry is a recluse, he's a misfit
Terry never goes out, he's a hermit

A lonely lonely dude
Terry won't answer the phone or the door
And we don't see Terry no more

No-one can contact Terry anymore
A life of solitude

 Hello.... this is Terry talking
 Terry talking, talking all alone 
 Hello... this is Terry Talking
 On the answer phone... 
 Terry's not at home

Terry is a plonker, Terry is a nut
Locked in the house with the curtains shut

No-one can contact Terry...

 Hello.... this is Terry talking
 Terry talking, talking all alone 
 Hello... this is Terry Talking
 On the answer phone... Terry's not at home

 Hello.... this is Terry talking
 Terry talking, talking all alone 
 Hello... this is Terry Talking
 On the answer phone... 
 Terry's not at home